Saturday, December 1, 2007

Finally back to blogging

It's been too long since I've posted last. A lot has happened this month. We officially moved back to Lehi, back to our house, our ward, our family and friends- it is so good to be home. We officially named our new baby Riley. We are blessing her tomorrow, so I guess it will be more official then.

We went on a cruise with Jake's company to southern Mexico. We lost our camera right before we left so we have no pictures. The girls stayed in Utah, so me and Jake had some time to ourselves. We enojyed the beaches, nice weather and good friends.

For Thanksgiving we went to Jake's grandma's house in Rexburg. Jake got up at 6am to fish for trout in the lake. He caught 2 and we ate them for breakfast! We spent most of the weekend at the cabin in Island park with Jordan and Jandee Jones. Of cousre the girls worked the boys in canasta! We enjoyed the fire and tried to enjoy the snow but the girls are just too little. We enjoyed the snow from the window : )

Kaylee is in love with her little sister. It might be hard to tell from this picture, but Riley was minding her own business in her swing and Kaylee just wasn't close enough looking at her on the ground. She climbed up by herself to sit right next to her. The other day Kaylee grabbed one of Riley's diapers and lifted up Riley's legs and tried to figure out how to put it on her. She also likes to put a blanket over her, give her kisses and pat her head.

We took family pictures with all of Jake's family down in Mapleton. We haven't got them back yet, but here is a picture from Jake's phone. Kaylee sat down on the stairs and her cousin Derek sat right by her. Look closely, she actually has her hair in pigtails!

Jake got a new 08 GMC Dirtymax. Fun fun fun!

We really did lose our camera so I'm a little short on pictures. I will try and take more on Jake's phone. Maybe Santa will see what a good girl I've been and bring me a new camera!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Little Girl

Our new baby is one month old today and we are still undecided on a name. We know for sure it will not be Madison. She just does not look like a Madison. We’ve been trying out different names for her to see what fits. So far we’ve tried Macy, Gracie, Abby and Riley. The only one that I think fits her is Riley. We are still a little unsure about it- sometimes we love it and sometimes it seems weird. Kaylee and Riley… there’s a cute little ring to it.

Kaylee just loves her little sister. She always gives her kisses and pats her back. She tries to climb into the pack n play whenever Riley is asleep in there.

Daddy loves his little girls!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I am a terrible blogger. I keep waiting until I have pictures to post anything new, but my pictures are taking too long to get on the computer for whatever reason.

So a quick update will have to do. Then I won't feel so guilty that it's been so long since Ive posted.

We are back n California for the rest of October. Last week Jana accopanied me and the girls on an adventurous plane ride to meet Jake back here. Let me tell you, Kaylee did not like the security check point. While Jana was parking the car, I had to Kaylee ad baby to the gate by myself. I was fine for awhile with Kaylee in the stroller eating raisins, and baby in my arms sleeping. In order to go through the metal detector and had to take off my shoes, unwrap baby, take off Kaylee's shoes, breakdown the stroller and empty my pockets. They let me hold both babies while I walked through. I had to set Kaylee down to put the stroller back up and that's when everything went downhill. Kaylee slipped in her socks and wou;dnt go back into the stroller. I got my stuff situated on the stroller and kept the kids in my arms until we got out of the elevator and the stroller tipped over. Thankfully there was an old man with a group who got to the airport extra early who helped me all the way to my terminal. Jana made it just in time- they had already closed the gate, but opened it for her cause they knew I was in desperate need of her help. I couldn't have made that flight, with a layover n Vegas, without her. Kaylee is just too curious.

The baby did great. By the way, we are changing her name to something else. I don't know what yet, but it's not Madison. She just is not a Madison, or even a Maddy to me. So last week I called her Macy, this week I'll call her Gracie. Usually I just call her little girl casue nothing is feels right. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Anyway, little girl is doing great. She has had a stuffy nose since she was born it seems, but I finally found this saline gel that helps her breath. She still sleeps a lot, just a little angel.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Finally some pictures

I think I'm finally ready to post the update. It has been a crazy week and I'm not sure where to begin. Over Labor day Jake brought me up to Utah. He was able to stay for a couple of days, but had to go back to California for the extension. While he was here we got the backyard done and quite a bit done on the basement. He went back to Cali to wait for me to have the baby.

I got a chance to nest here in Utah for about a week and a half. At different times my mom or dad was here because they are working on building a house in Provo. I went to the doctor and found out I was already dialated to a 3. I was pretty uncomfortable and missing my husband so he came home and tried everything to get me to go into labor. On Saturday we went to Jake's parents house and went on a little 3 wheeler ride with our 5 year old nephew. That night at about 2:30, I started having strong contractions but they weren't close enough together. I waited until the morning and decided to go to the hospital to see if I had progressed at all. I got there about 11, I was at a three still so they made me wait for an hour and they checked me again. Still at a 3 so they made me walk around the hospital. They checked me again at 1 and said they would give me morphine and send me home until the contractions were closer together. Disappointed I went to the bathroom and walking back to the bed I had some really strong contractions. The nurse I was working with really wanted me to have my baby before her shift was over, so she checked me again and thankfully they let me stay!!

The contractions were killing me. They gave me some drugs and called the midwife to come in. By the time she got there I was at a 6 and very ready for an epidural. After the drugs set in, the midwife said just hang out until you get to a 10. She left the room and the nurse was finishing up her stuff and decided to check me again. I was a 10! So the midwife came back in and told me to start pushing.

With Kaylee I pushed for two very long hours in the middle of the night. With this little girl I had 5 contractions and pushed her right out. I guess she had a little mucus in her lungs so I held her for like 5 minutes and then they took her to the nursery for like 2 hours. I was fine with that cause I was in a lot of pain. My epidural stopped dripping after she was out so my body was shaking in shock and cramping like crazy. They said it was pretty normal and they got it under control eventually.
I was in the hospital for two nights. Jake stayed with us for a week but he had to go on a business trip to Virginia and then back to California for the rest of the extension. I will be going back to California with the two babies on Saturday cause they are missing their dad!
I have more pictures and to upload, but I've been working on getting what I have so far on here for a week. I'm hoping to add more soon.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Madison Dahl

Sept:16th 5:06 P.M. We just had our 2nd little baby!
Madison Dahl
7 pounds 14 ounces
20 inches long
dark black hair
and as beautful as can be.
We are very greatful for our new baby from above.

We will post some photos when she isn't swollen and so alien looking!
Madison came on the 5th contraction! Mom is doing great.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

End of summer

I stepped out of the room for a minute and came back to find Kaylee going through the mail. She found the Pottery Barn catolog and I think she was trying to pick out a new bedroom set! Oh she is too cute. It's much easier to focus on her in this blog.

A quick update on the rest of the Dahl House-

There is one more week in the summer program here in San Bernardino. On the 28th we will be going back to Lehi. Jake has to go back to San B to manage the extension for two months, but he will come back when the baby is born. I'm due on the 26th of September, but I'm hoping I can be induced a little early so Jake knows when to be there. It's going to be a crazy couple of months. After the baby is born we will all go back to San B until October 20th, and then back to Lehi for who knows how long. That's all for now.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

The office kitty

Jake's office manager found a cute little kitty and adpoted it. We borrowed it for a night to play with Kaylee. She was scared of him at first, but warmed up to him after a little while. He was bouncing all over the place and loved to pounce on Kaylee when she wasn't looking. Jake had fun tormenting the kitty and forcing him to be nice to Kaylee. He suffered a few bites, some of which he deserved.

Monday, July 23, 2007

At Amari's

Ok, I'm on a role. I'm really trying to be a better blogger. Jake is out of town right now, Kaylee is asleep. I figure I better post a few pictures and get caught up so that future blogs will be easy. Thank you Brian, for teaching me a better way to do it.

While I was in Utah for Seretta's wedding I had a chance to see Amari, Annika and her new baby Jerome. Annika and Kaylee played great together.

Little Jerome is so stinkin' cute. He mostly slept and ate while I was there, but was surprisingly awake and alert for a good amount of time. I just love babies his size. I must say I a pretty proud of myself for the collage I made of the pictures I have of him.

Seretta's Wedding

On July 10th Seretta got married to Mathew Soule. Their website is a little outdated now but there are some cute pictures there. Check out My hands were full with Kaylee during the wedding so I didn't get to take as many pictures as I would have liked. The event was held at the Red Butte Gardens in Salt Lake. They couldn't have picked a prettier place. All of Seretta's siblings were there and Matthew had tons of family and friends fly in too. Seretta, of course, looked amazing. Here hair was done up with pretty flowers, she had this simple elegance about her. But the thing I loved the most was seeing her genuine smile and sincere happiness. Matthew looked pretty happy too. I don't know him as well, but every once in awhile he would flash the biggest grin. It is a wonderful thing when two people are in love! I am so happy for Seretta. She found a perfect match for her. They will be so happy together.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Dana's Wedding

Dana got marreid on June 16th in L.A. I was so happy that all the girls were there. Hannah and Kristy were beautiful bridesmaids. We had so much fun hanging out together, oohing and ahhing over how beautiful and happy Dana looked. Dana planned every detail perfectly. The colors, the flowers, the ambiance, everything was lovely. Me and Hannah and Kate and Kristy sat together at the luncheon in Dana's backyard. I don't have any pictures of the reception but it was at an awesome beach club in Santa Monica. We sipped sparkling cider as we watched the sun set over the ocean. We danced to a jazz music and ate yummy desserts. I loved the centerpeices because they were just so Dana. Glass vases held sand, rocks and candels and just set a nice mood. Did I mention Dana looked hot! Her dress was stunning, she smiled so big and looked so happy. She and Marlon will have a wonderful life together. They will be living in Salt Lake this fall and I am stoked.

Monday, June 11, 2007

first time blogging

With baby number two on the way I thought now is a good time to get a blog started. I don't know what I'm doing yet, so be patient as I try to keep you updated on the Dahl house.