It's been too long since I've posted last. A lot has happened this month. We officially moved back to Lehi, back to our house, our ward, our family and friends- it is so good to be home. We officially named our new baby Riley. We are blessing her tomorrow, so I guess it will be more official then.
We went on a cruise with Jake's company to southern Mexico. We lost our camera right before we left so we have no pictures. The girls stayed in Utah, so me and Jake had some time to ourselves. We enojyed the beaches, nice weather and good friends.

For Thanksgiving we went to Jake's grandma's house in Rexburg. Jake got up at 6am to fish for trout in the lake. He caught 2 and we ate them for breakfast! We spent most of the weekend at the cabin in Island park with Jordan and Jandee Jones. Of cousre the girls worked the boys in canasta! We enjoyed the fire and tried to enjoy the snow but the girls are just too little. We enjoyed the snow from the window : )
Kaylee is in love with her little sister. It might be hard to tell from this picture, but Riley was minding her own business in her swing and Kaylee just wasn't close enough looking at her on the ground. She climbed up by herself to sit right next to her. The other day Kaylee grabbed one of Riley's diapers and lifted up Riley's legs and tried to figure out how to put it on her. She also likes to put a blanket over her, give her kisses and pat her head.

We took family pictures with all of Jake's family down in Mapleton. We haven't got them back yet, but here is a picture from Jake's phone. Kaylee sat down on the stairs and her cousin Derek sat right by her. Look closely, she actually has her hair in pigtails!
Jake got a new 08 GMC Dirtymax. Fun fun fun!
We really did lose our camera so I'm a little short on pictures. I will try and take more on Jake's phone. Maybe Santa will see what a good girl I've been and bring me a new camera!
Yes Kelsie we are the official game champions forever....last night we played speed scrabble with Jordan's family and he lost to me by three points.....he's still bitter he has yet to beat me...we'll have to rematch and give the boys another chance....although it probably won't do them any good, we are just to dang awesome!
Yeah! I just LOVE to find a new post on your blog! It makes my day!! Kaylee is looking so much older to! Pigtails is a big step! I think it's adorable that she climbed up to chill with her little sista in the swingy-chair-thing. Too cute! I can't wait to come see you guys...hopefully in January!!
You guys!!! It has been too long since a post so i hadnt checked for a while! I love those pictures of the girls! What a sweet truck jake. Ill be in utah in jan so ill have to come and see you guys!
kels, hope you have fun in Hawaii, and washington, miss you, your family is so cute can't wait to see you.
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