Riley doesn't have the same care and attention that Kaylee does for Saylor. But in the right moment, Riley will hold and love and sing to Saylor in the sweetest way.

She literally said, "Who is going to pick me up in this bag? " and I think she is showing me a fruit snack that dropped on the ground and wanted me to do something about it.

I don't know how Jake thinks of these crazy things, but Riley is always up to go along with him

Riley gets on these little projects and works so intently. I think she really enjoys her independence sometimes.

Totally stoked about the blueberry pancakes we made with the clueberries we picked. She makes this face a lot.

I am in love with her curls. I think I try to downplay how much I like them because I am afriad one day they will fall out and her hair will be straight. Her hair is such a good description of her personality though, free and crazy and lovely and sweet all at once.

These are two of Riley's obsessions right now- beading and wearing pants under her dresses!

She is brave and fearless and loves adventure

I just love her sweet little face in this picture

In her own little happy world on the Fourth of July

Riley at Orange Beach when Kami came to visit
Riley looks so much like your brother...at least in my memory. =) All of your girls are adorable. Congratulations for the arrival of little Saylor!!! I'm glad you've started blogging again.
I fell in love with Riley when we spent time at the park in Florida. She has a very sweet adorable personality. And the cutest smile & curls! I have a bit of a crush on your children, can't believe what wonderful little things they've grown in to.
I love that kids
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