Saylor Dahl was born on April 5th, 2011 in Jackson, MS. She was 7 pounds even and to be honest, I don't remeber who long she was. Average length, I'm sure.
It was kind of fun having my baby in Jackson. We were there for about a month and a half before she was born so I had time to get to know the area, have a few Dr.'s appointments.
She looks so much like Riley.
As usually we had a hard time deciding on her name. I was stuck on the name Amy for most of the pregnancy. She was not an Amy. Jake wanted Scout. Thankfully she wasn't that either.
The second day I was in the hospital I got a call from a girl who worked with the birth certificates at the hospital. She said she couldn't leave until she got the names of all the babies born the day before. I was the last perrson she needed a name from and I could tell she was itching to leave. Jake was gone when she called the second time so when he got back I told him we had to decide now. Somehow we ended up deciding between Jessie and Saylor. I don't even remember considering either of those until that day. I wrote each of them like 50 times on a piece of paper and decided that Saylor was prettier.
Thank you Instagram for helping me pick out and class up some of my favorite pics of my favorite little girl.
Riley likes Saylor too, but she is a little more playful. She thought it would be pretty awesome to put Riley under this fort they built.
Love this girl. Hopefully more to come soon!
Hooray for blogging!! I love this little girl and I love that you're posting again. Miss you Kels and Saylor!
Congrat on the new little girls! So sweet. Babies r such a fun little adventure. Our third threw me for a loop and turned the house upside down- we r recovering now! I love the
All!!!! Hope u guys r doing well
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