We stayed in the Gator Suite at Shelly's parents incredible home near Orlando. We went to the authentic Orlando attraction... Gatorland! We saw these gators jump out of the water to snatch up chicken hanging from a rope.
On Sunday of that weekend we spent some time the Quigley's house in Melboure. Nate Quigley, Shelly's brother-in-law took us out on the boat to go fishing. We had been gone maybe 30 minutes when we ran out of gas. Luckily my kids were at the house because we had to wait for almost two hours for someone to come tow us back to the house. It was a ton of fun because we saw dolphins jumping nearby, enjoyed the sunset and did a little fishing.
DAHLS....i was blog surfing and found you on shelly's blog! This is why I love this thing!! Now I can "blog stalk" you, too!
We loved having you!
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