In no particular order...
10 intersting things about me
1. Since I moved out of my parents house after high school, I have moved 23 times. Of all those places, I have never lived in the place for more than eight months consectutively. We've had our house in Utah for almost 2 years, but we've moved out each summer. I've lived in various cities in Washington, Idaho, California, Utah, New York and most recently Rhode Island.
2. In February 2002 I saw 311/Incubus/Hoobastank performing in a bull ring in Spain. My parents took me and Brent Spain, so naturally that was planned in our itinerary. No, my parents did not go. I've actually been to five 311 concerts, which is wierd cause I've only been to like 10 concerts total. Here are a few samples of the groups that played.
3. I have never broken a bone. When I was about 5 my brothers dropped me from the top bunk on to the bed frame of the bottom bunk. I got stiches right down the middle of my head, leaving a permanant scar that hairstylists often mistake for a part. I think I would have prefered having a cast and no scar!
4. I survived Hurricane Kenna! Oh you've never heard of that one? Well, in October 2002 in sunny Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, my sister and I were learning Spanish and teaching English to kids that lived at the city dump. On our last day there we watched from the hotel room as the rain and ocean waves poured through the hotel lobbies and into the streets. I mean, more than pour, it was a hurricane after all. A traveler who must have been there at the same time as me took the following footage:
5. I watched the sunrise at Machu Picchu. I went to Peru with my parents and my sister during the summer of 2005. Although this famous wonder of the world was incredible to behold, we were so exhausted from our adventure the day before that I don't think I fully appreciated it.

This a ladder on the trial up the mountain, Putucusi. It is directly across from Machu Picchu. We climbed to the top of this the day before, and on our way down, ran into a man who was passed out on the trail. He died that night after my sister and a group of other tourist gave him CPR. Crazy experience, to say the least.

6. I had an article written about me in the Ensign... kind of. In the April 2001 issue there is a story called "Standing up to Profanity". My aunt had written the article 7 years prior to it being published. There was even a little artistic representaion of me with my hands on my hips. Read the story here.
7. During our trip to Spain we took a ferry across the Strait of Gibralter to Morocco. We were just there for a day but I rode a camel! I don't think I have ever seen a camel before or after that experience. Kind of cool, right?

8. From as far back as I could remember until I left my parents house, we have had 48 different cars. They ranged from typical sedans and minivans, to classics, trucks, scooters and so on. Some of them had clever names, like the Sassy Chassy, Queen Latifa and the Toucher (creepy, I know).

9.The doctor who delivered me 26 years ago also delivered my first baby, Kaylee. We moved to Seattle 2 weeks before she was born. We didn't have a lot of time to find me a doctor and although I had no memory of him, it was comforting to know firsthand that I turned out just fine!

10. Before I got married I worked at a barter exchange called ITEX. I worked there for 3 years and must say I was a pretty good trade director. I won an award for my acheivements at a convention in Florida. When Jake and I moved, his mom took my job and now rocks the house and runs the show in the Utah office.
Oh my heck I cant believe all that you have done that is crazy. Your so dang cute love ya. Glad that you are my sister in law
That was really fun to read. I love that tag & finding out all the cool things about people. I would have nothing of interest to write about!!!
Oh you are quite my little adventurer! Love and miss you tons!
Oh you are quite my little adventurer! Love and miss you tons!
Wow! That was so fun to read! 48 cars! Wow! I think you are the most traveled of any girl I know, when you consider how many places you have lived in just the past few years.
What a fun read! I did not know all of that about you! I have always wanted to go to Peru. Ok I understand the moving around- I'm right their with you. But 48 cars!
Hey, im so excited I found your blog! I love love 311 and have seen them in concert 3 or 4 times! They just put on a really good concert! Fun things about you!
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