A few weeks ago we moved to Rochester, NY. It's about 5 hours north of Yonkers. It has been such a good move. It's better up here for Jake and it's definatley better up here for me and the girls. We live in a complex with parks and grassy fields and usually nice weather. Another bonus- we live about 30 minutes away from Hill Cumorah.
Me and Kaylee are standing at the backdoor of Joseph Smith's house. The door was locked cause we got there early, but we peeked in the windows. It made me so grateful for the apartment we lieved in, even though we were without furniture for 2 weeks : )
Me and Riley are on a bridge over the river that Hyrum Smith was baptised in. We are walking toward the sacred grove.
Just to compare- this is the park that we used to go to in Yonkers.
Did I mention we live right by the Erie Canal. How coolis that! Last Sunday we took the girls to the boardwalk to feed the ducks.
Riley 's teeth are coming in!!! This is a frequent expression for Riley cause she is always snorting and always drooling.
We are really enjoying our summer here. We have one month down and Jake is doing better than ever. He has installed 77 accounts and can't wait to bust it out next month. He is motivated and on track to hit his goals. We are so proud of him and always look forward to the time we get to see him.