Wednesday, August 22, 2007

End of summer

I stepped out of the room for a minute and came back to find Kaylee going through the mail. She found the Pottery Barn catolog and I think she was trying to pick out a new bedroom set! Oh she is too cute. It's much easier to focus on her in this blog.

A quick update on the rest of the Dahl House-

There is one more week in the summer program here in San Bernardino. On the 28th we will be going back to Lehi. Jake has to go back to San B to manage the extension for two months, but he will come back when the baby is born. I'm due on the 26th of September, but I'm hoping I can be induced a little early so Jake knows when to be there. It's going to be a crazy couple of months. After the baby is born we will all go back to San B until October 20th, and then back to Lehi for who knows how long. That's all for now.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

The office kitty

Jake's office manager found a cute little kitty and adpoted it. We borrowed it for a night to play with Kaylee. She was scared of him at first, but warmed up to him after a little while. He was bouncing all over the place and loved to pounce on Kaylee when she wasn't looking. Jake had fun tormenting the kitty and forcing him to be nice to Kaylee. He suffered a few bites, some of which he deserved.