Me and the girls at Silver Lake in American Fork Canyon.

Grandma Wendy and Grandpa Mark came for about 2 months. We went with them to Jake's family cabin in Island Park and to Yellowstone.

We adopted this crazy kitty named Charlotte. He died of Parvo 3 days later.

The first month of the summer we lived in Charlotte, NC. Our favorite place to go was the Latta Plantation, a lake and equestrian park. The water was warm and the trials were easy enough for the girls to hike along with us. We miss Carolina!

I have been procrastinaitng this catch up for far too long. Plus, now that these pictures are posted, I can tease you for the gems I have in store for the next post!
About a month ago we moved to Mapleton, UT. We've been wanting to move here for awhile now, and finally found a place that fits our family well.
I have lot's of pictures to post, but for now...

Here is Jake and Kayleee catching a fish in the pond on the property. The pond is surrounded by plum, peach, walnut and apple trees. Recently there was a fire up behind Maple Mountain and Hobble Creek and the helicopters filled their buckets from the pond cause it was the closest to the canyon.
Jake and Riley on the rope swing at sunset. There is nothing better than the Mapleton breeze on a summer night.
More to come soon!