Since Jake was working in Syracuse on the 4th, me and one of the other wives, Marie, rented a car and drove up to spend the night and enjoy the holiday with our husbands. The fireworks went off at the New York State Fairgrounds. We found ourselves a little patch of grass, layed out the blankets and the treats and waited for the display. The girls loved it! Riley didn't make a peep, she just watched in awe. Kaylee got excited and named some of the colors as they burst. The were exhausted when we got back to the hotel, Good thing, cause we had a makeshift bed for Riley on the floor and somehow fit Kaylee's pack n play in the tub in the bathroom. I'm so glad we came up though. What is the 4th without your family!

On Sunday the whole office got together for a sweet BBQ at the beach. The weather was perfect, the food was great, and the girls couldn't get enough of the water.