The past few weeks have been busy busy busy!! On the 12th we went with the top management and performers of Firstline to Kauai. We brought both girls with us, which was fun, but made for a very different vacation. On the last day of the trip, Jake was fiddling with the camera and lost all of the pictures we had taken. These are at the hotel, the Grand Hyatt in Poipu. You can see it was pretty windy, but we did get plenty of sun: )
Kaylee loved! getting together with all of her cousins. She was bouncing to the music of someones toy. She was not prepared for for what was about to happen....
Kaylee hated! Santa. She did not want anything to do with him. We packed up again and headed to Seattle. Kami got home from her mission earlier in the month. It was so fun to be with her. Everyone in the Knudson clan was home for Christmas. We took family pictures- here is one of Kami and Riley.
On Christmas morning we woke up around 9am. We gathered around the tree and were overwhlemed by the amount of gifts. Mama Santa was sooo generous. 
After a week of playing in the pool (because Kaylee hated! the sand) we flew home for 2 days before going to Seattle for Christmas. While we were in Utah, we had the annual Dahl family fish fry. Normally they do it on Christmas Eve, but they moved it up for us since we were going to be gone. We had shrimp, crab, salmon, tons of appetizers and yummy desserts. We exchanged gifts and had a visit from Santa.
The Dora sit and spin was a big hit. Once the music turned on she just could not resist dancing.